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Thursday 9 March 2017

Pokemon Aeon : Episode 16

Ep 16: Water Commander’s Test

Ash and Serena meet Rusheed at Crusoe Hall. Ash challenge that water Commander into battle. Rusheed mentioned that he won’t use Pikice this time. He wants to Double Battle with Ash. He uses Dingoe and Slowpoke. Ash uses Pikachu and Sepyrow in that battle. Sepyrow used Headbutt to attack Slowpoke. Slowpoke evades and attacks its opponent with Water Gun. Sepyrow is in the great danger. Pikachu step in and used Iron Tail to crush that Water Gun. Dingoe used Hyper Punch toward Pikachu. Pikachu jump to evade that attack. 

Ash sets something using his bracelet. Sepyrow used Meteor Rush to Dingoe while Pikachu used Ionic Charge to Slowpoke. Nothing happen to Slowpoke, it got tough body to face that electric move but Dingoe had a minor damage. Dingoe want to use Hyper Punch toward Sepyrow but it received the second attack from Sepyrow. Sepyrow used Headbutt.

Rusheed smiled. He knew that Ash is up into something. He never thought that Ash would use the Potential Lock. Dingoe is out. Rusheed only got Slowpoke. Sepyrow used Headbutt while Pikachu used Iron Tail. Ash set his Aeon Bracelet once again. Rusheed also do the same. He uses the medium technique on both of Ash’s Pokémon.  Slowpoke is using the Water Gun toward Sepyrow plus Headbang toward Pikachu. Sepyrow was defeated while Pikachu was weakened. Slowpoke used Quick Attack. Pikachu was caught in the same sickness. 

Ash wants to help but Slowpoke attack is too near to Pikachu. He forgot about the Potential Lock that he used back then. Pikachu is using the Iron Tail on Slowpoke. That Pokémon doesn’t aware of that potential attack at all. Slowpoke was down. Pikachu used Quick Attack on Slowpoke as the finish blow. Rusheed was shocked. That was the best fight of all time. He faced many challenges but this fight is the best memory ever. He gives that special pass to Ash. Serena was so happy with that. She tries to hug Ash. That was the awkward moment.

Rusheed asked them to hurry up. The next ship will departs soon. He says that they need a proper dress to go to Irgiant Island. The weather there is so cold.

Ash and his friends now on the move to the next major island and that island were named Irgiant Island.     

Ash won that Special Pass for Cruising for Serena..
Could it be Ash and Serena amourshipping going to the next level..?
Their journey will continue in Irgiant Island..
What kind of adventure will they face next..?

If you guys want to read the previous episode, please click the link below:

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