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Saturday 4 March 2017

Pokemon Aeon : Episode 2

Ep 2: Aeon Pokemon : Sepyrow

Yoshua asks Ash to get Special Pass for Walking from Academia City as the valid access to journey around Aeon Region and to doing so, Ash need to have at least two Pokémon. Pikachu still doesn’t fit for battle. Its’ electricity ability been damaged by that black ion charge. Yoshua tells Ash to catch Aeon Pokémon in nearby bushes. Ash left to find his first Aeon Pokémon. Yoshua sat on the bench and open the journal. He loves to read that book. That journal is belongs to his late grandfather, Beto Farquhar. Beto was once known as the Blue Blood in Aeon Archipelago.

Something appears from nowhere and hit Ash. Ash is falling down on the ground. That thing was 3Sepyrow (Fire/Ice) with ability: Snowy Terrain. It was badly injured. There were two grunts appear to capture that Sepyrow. Ash wants to save that poor Pokémon from them. He asks Pikachu to used Iron Tail to stop them. Both grunts were sent by iTeam Hex to capture the new starters Pokémon. They sent 4Misbat (Poison/Psychic) with ability: Poison Sweat and 5Dingoe (Fighting/Dark) with ability: Sleep Walking in the battle to fight Pikachu. That injured Sepyrow also steps into that battle to help Pikachu. It still got will to stand and face its opponent.

Yoshua heard something. He runs to that certain area to investigate. He saw Ash got into battle with two grunts. Yoshua sent out Duckeble into the fight. Yoshua tells Duckeble to watch Misbat’s move. Pikachu used Quick Attack while Sepyrow used Headbutt to attack Dingoe. Dingoe try to avoid Sepyrow’s Headbutt but it was hit by Pikachu’s attack. Misbat used Toxic Mist to make all opponents’ poisoned. Duckeble used Sonic Sound to distract that mist away from that field. That mist effected Dingoe. Sepyrow used Headbutt to make Dingoe defeated while Pikachu used Quick Attack directly to Misbat. Team Hex’s grunts step back and fled from the battle. They failed to capture that Sepyrow.

Ash brings Sepyrow to the PokeDome. Sepyrow was healed there. Ash wants to keep Sepyrow in his team and ask directly to that Pokémon. Sepyrow want to be capture in Pokeball. Daytime almost ended. Ash and Yoshua run to meet Sarai at promised place.

Note:          (3) Sepyrow (Serow+Pyro) – Japanese Serow Pokémon – Starter Pokémon that represent fire type. Sepyrow love to challenge itself. When getting pressure, he emits fire from its nose and when this happen the temperature around its thick wool drop icy cool. The blood been boiled inside must be chilled down by its wool that covered almost entire body.

                    (4) Misbat (Mis+Bat) – Bat Pokémon - Misbat inhabitants in the pitch black cave as their nesting place. It exhales purple mist that contains poison and it would make its enemy fall down. It got eyes that can clearly see in the dark and using the psychic as advantage to keep away other predator. Male Misbat got longer fang rather than the Female Misbat.

                    (5) Dingoe (Dingo+WWE) – Dingo Pokémon - Dingoe loves to watch wrestling with its trainers. Wild Dingoe love to duel until the opponent defeated. It’s their nature of living in its community. Female Dingoe got more anger to manage rather than Male Dingoe. Male Dingoe once in a full moon must undergo the duel to become alpha male. The one who is defeated been kicked out from the community and surviving alone in the wild.

                    (i) Team Hexis an evil group that want to conquer Aeon Region. They have nasty plot using enhance technology to achieve their goal. Hideo Hajime is their leader.

*Ash finally got his 1st Aeon Pokemon..  What will they do next..? What is Special Pass for walking..? 

If you want to read the previous episode, please click the link :
Please READ this also : Pokemon Aeon Episode 1 : http://whenzicotalks.blogspot.my/2017/03/pokemon-aeon-episode-1.html

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