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Sunday 5 March 2017

Pokemon Aeon : Episode 6

Ep 6: Academia City : Test in PokeChamber

Ash and Nadine entered Academia City accompany by Yoshua. Nadine now has Baboohm and Humbolt. Ash and Nadine has to battle two from five principles in order to challenge Air Commander to get Special Pass for Walking. Nadine picks to challenge Education Principle as her first battle. Ash chooses Fire-Fighter Principle as his first fight. Baboohm is fighting against Mannac and Taggoo facing 16Wisdog (Normal). It would be tough for both of them.

Baboohm managed to beat Mannac when Baboohm learn electric move so called as Static Charge. Nadine received Gold Pen Badge as token. Taggoo defeated Wisdog by using the advantage of flying around Wisdog. When Wisdog try to Bite,Taggoo puts the Sleeping Powder to it opponent. Taggoo used Leaf Flap to finish that fight. Ash received Gold Hose Badge as winning token.

Now they reach to the second battle’s stage. Ash chooses Medical Principle as he fights using Taggoo while Nadine fights against Culinary Principle. Baboohm versus 17Spryout(Grass/Fire) and Taggoo versus Misbat.

Baboohm and Spryout both were the grass type Pokémon but Spryout got advantage. Taggoo and Misbat were fighting in the air. Taggoo was defeated. Ash wants to use Sepyrow but Pikachu enter the battle. Ash worried about Pikachu ability. Pikachu used Iron Tail and Quick Attack to defeat Misbat. It was a tough fight for Pikachu. Ash received Gold Syringe Badge. He completed the task and will meet The Ultimate Principle so called as Air Commander.

Baboohm and Spryout are equally matched but the experiences that Spryout have turned it into 18Phloria (Grass/Fire) and Baboohm was defeated. Baboohm is a grass and electric starter while Phloria is a fire and grass Pokemon. Nadine switched her next Pokemon which is Humbolt. Phloria be able to break the ice formed by Humbolt. Humbolt also defeated by Phloria. Nadine was whited out because she didn’t have other Pokémon to compete with. Suddenly, Exogill flew into the arena and want to be in Nadine’s team. Exogill was the flying fish that Nadine save at Southern Gate. Nadine was so excited to see it once again and used Exogill to fight Phloria. Nadine’s fate twisted when Exogill help her to win the battle. Nadine received Gold Spatula Badge. Now Nadine and Ash can fight against Air Commander.

Note:          (16) Wisdog (Wish+Dog) – Dog Pokémon – Wisdog’s fur is light brownish and it like to bark all the time especially when sensed danger. Both male and female Wisdog were look kind the same. The only difference is it paws. Male got black paws while female got pink paws. Myth mentioned that Wisdog love to be beside any Totems at Flying Forest.

               (17) Spryout (Sprout+Pyro) – Sprout Pokémon – Spryout can spit ember. Male Spryout usually love to bully other Pokémon. It loves to see them scare. Female Spryout loves to sunbath all the time and care for it beauty. It got roots that can grab soils when they walks. That roots also works as conductors to neutralize electricity back to earth.

                    (18) Phloria (Pyro+Flora) – Flora Pokémon – Phloriaevolves from Spryout. It stem looks like bulge especially at it neck, both hands and legs. It stores up the gas that will help it spit flames. Phloria loves to jump all the time especially when there is rain. Male Phloria got black petals while the female ones got pinkish petals.

Nadine's fate changed.. 
Now she got her third Pokemon..
But the next challenge is someone with the title Air Commander..
Who is he and what kind of Pokemon did he had in his team..?

If you guys don't yet read the previous episode, please click the link below: 

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