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Saturday 4 March 2017

Pokemon Aeon : Episode 4

Ep 4: Potential Technique

Yoshua arrived and all of three young trainers walk to the place where they could meet Sarai. Sarai greets them and ask them to come in. He rent that small house near Aria Pond. Sarai want them to iPokeConference with Prof. Pala himself. Prof. Pala greets them and happy to know that Ash was here in Aeon Region. He wants Ash to give that parcel to Sarai as they will use PokeCapsule to transfer the item. Prof. Pala also wants them to help him to complete PokeVice and also to perfect the new technique called Potential. He mentioned about Aeon Bracalet and how HEX Corp funding this research. As token, he wants Sarai to give them three a iiPulse Stone and iiiI-Cube each. Using this both items at Aeon Bracelet will enhance them to using two new techniques. The beginner technique called ivPotential Lock and the medium technique called vCombo Move.

Sarai teach them to the basic Potential Lock. He wants them to master it first before he can teach them Combo Move. He attached all Pulse Stone and I-Cube on Aeon Bracelets that he received from Ash, Yoshua and Nadine. He says that with these two items as accessories to this bracelet, it’s enhanced the device. Potential is not just great technology. It connects between Pokémon and its trainer. How Pokémon reacts to the Potential is due to strategy that its trainer had for them. Sarai teach them to do the Potential Lock.

Sarai ask Yoshua into the battle. He is using Raskink. Yoshua send out Duckeble into the fight. Raskink used Dragon Claw. Duckeble used High Pitch. Raskink faced that attack and try to break it. It hurt by that sound attack. Sarai do something to his bracelet. Yoshua saw that movement. He also does the same. Raskink used Dragon Breath. Duckeble used Harden. It weakened Duckeble. Suddenly, Duckeble fights back using Sonic Sound. Raskink was unable to avoid it. He also weakened. Yoshua ask Duckeble to Peck Raskink. Raskink used Bad Breath to faint Duckeble by applying Potential Lock. Yoshua loses to Sarai. Sarai was full of excitement to see Yoshua able to used Potential Lock in that battle.

While teaching them, Sarai received a call from Prof. Pala. He also received something from PokeCapsule. He give Ash back the egg that Prof. Oak want Prof. Pala to examine. Prof. Pala wants Ash to take care that egg.

Sarai told Ash and Nadine to learn to master Potential Lock. This technology is wide known in Aeon Region recently. Maybe the gym leaders has already mastered these techniques. Sarai also try to teach Yoshua the combo move. This move is quite detail to learn. He hopes that in other meeting, he could teach them all on Combo Move.

Note:          (i) PokeConference is a Live Telecast between two or more people. It is the fastest way to set up the meeting and discuss anything.

                   (ii) Pulse Stone is a stone that mixed with certain mystery soil that can sense Pokémon’s pulse. This strange stone help scientist to record the location of certain rare Pokémon. 

                   (iii) I-Cube is a intelligent chip that been created by HEX Corp. This chip can hold high memory. Insert an I-Cube into Aeon Bracelet can enhance the function of that gadget.

                   (iv) Potential Lockis a beginner move that can be locked between four ordinary moves. Pokémon can use that potential lock in the fight at an extra move in per fight.

                   (v) Combo Move is combination moves that only appear in the screen if the trainer is at medium level. This combo move can be only used once in the battle.

Please hit this link also to read the previous episode : http://whenzicotalks.blogspot.my/2017/03/pokemon-aeon-episode-3.html

Potential Lock is a new technique that been introduced in Aeon Region.. Whom teach Sarai to use it?
Do Ash & Nadine will be able to use the basic Potential Lock..?

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