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Sunday 5 March 2017

Pokemon Aeon : Episode 5

Ep 5: Helping Nadine to catch a Pokémon

Yoshua already had three Pokémon in his team and he got himself that special pass for walking a day before. Ash also got three Pokémon including Pikachu. He was fired up to take the test. The rule stated that every trainer need to challenge three out from five principles. Nadine only got 1 Pokémon. She could not enter that challenge until she finds at least 1 more Pokémon in her team.

Sarai left early in the morning. He left them a note. He wants them to master the Potential Lock first before he can teach them the medium technique. He stated in that note the next location to gather. Among three of them, only Yoshua had master the basic Potential Lock. Ash and Nadine were still not capable to using it properly. Yoshua and Ash promised Nadine to help her to catch a Pokémon before they were tested by those Academia City’s principles. 

While searching for wild Pokémon, Ash was challenged by someone called Fabian Cobalta. He’s from Pyrezia Island. He wants to battle using one Pokémon. Ash agreed and put Sepyrow in the fight. Fabian used 11Garrough (Water/Rock) with ability Barnacles Out. Yoshua and Nadine watch the fight. Nadine saw a Buneary hops in the bushes and run toward it. Yoshua follows her there.

Both of them were scare to death when they saw 12Boomark (Ghost/Dark) with ability Storing Corpse that continues attacking that poor Buneary. Yoshua want to get a data about Boomark from his PokeVice. Boomark is one of the legendary Pokemon. That Buneary can’t flee from it. Nadine used Baboohm to fight Boomark. Baboohm got weaker stat than Boomark. Yoshua had to use 13Pytrass (Grass/Dragon) with ability Sway Tempo. Both Baboohm and Pytrass try to help Buneary but Boomark focus on defeating that Buneary and swallow it into his body. 

Nadine and Yoshua knew that they can’t defeat that Boomark. They must flee away from it. Baboohm is now facing danger. Boomark want to capture it. Pytrass used his dragon power to the limit to save Baboohm. Pytrass evolved into 14Vivideus (Grass/Dragon) with ability: Disguise. Equipped with wings, Vivideus took Baboohm and flew at the sky where Boomark can’t get them. Nadine and Yoshua run away from that area.

Sepyrow and Garrough were still in the fight. Fabian tries to seek for Sepyrow weaknesses. He knew that his water starter is good for fighting fire starters but other element seem makes both of that starter in equal condition. Ash put his trust in Sepyrow, he also wants to defeat Garrough using its weaknesses.

Nadine is falling down from the cliff near the bridge. Nadine was crashed on something. That poor 15Humbolt (Ice/Electric) with ability: Bolt Shell was fainted. Nadine catches it. Yoshua come to the rescue with Vivideus and Baboohm. On the way back to Ash, Yoshua tell Nadine about his first Pokemon. That Pokemon is Pytrass. He received it when he’s at five years old. That Pytrass is a gift from his late grandfather, Beto.

Ash’s Sepyrow and Fabian’s Garrough were knocked out from battle. It is a draw. Fabian promises that he will win this match in future. Nadine shows Ash her second Pokémon. She and Ash will compete to win the special pass for walking in iPokeChamber

Note:          (11) Garrough (Alligator Gar+Rough) – Gar Pokémon – It the starters that used water type moves. Gar’s rough body would make opponent wound if they used take down or physical attack. It sharp teeth could tear away the flesh if Garrough put more strength in that attack. Garrough true natures are calm and observe the surrounding.

                   (12) Boomark (Boogeyman+Marking) – Boogeyman Pokémon – Boomark love to hunt pokemon as its source of energy. He eats and stores the prey inside its body. Once it marked its opponent, Boomark will only rest after it capture its opponent energy or stores them in its body. It spit out the prey after the prey’s energy gone completely.

                   (13) Pytrass (Python+Grass) – Python Pokémon – Pytrass is vegetarian Pokémon. Its only consumes young leaves as its daily source of food. Although of this fact, Its inner strength is still in the same level of other pseudo dragon. Pytrass love to sneak around just to scare other Pokémon. Female Pytrass had a small red hibiscus’s flower at its head.

                   (14) Vivideus (Vivid+Sound of hissing) – Python Pokémon – Vivideus transform from Pytrass. It can soar in the sky and love to inhabitants at highest tree. Vivideus got four legs which front leg attached together with the wings. In this stage, Vivideus was seen sleeping at most of the time. Its’ stored the energy for the next evolution.

                   (15) Humbolt (Sound of ham+Bolt) – Penguin Pokémon –Humbolt loves to be with its family until the maturity is been tested. During maturity, Humbolt was seen alone to hunt foods. It’s the nature of Humbolt’s society. Humbolt got shiny gold’s peck and a yellowish strip at its forehead similar to Harry Potter’s scar.

                   (i) PokeChamber is the place where trainer can test their strength by challenging the master of that place. Academia City is one of the PokeChamber where at Academia City they called as Education Centre.

Nadine got her second Aeon Pokemon.. 
Now She and Ash will got the chance to participate in getting their 1st special pass for walking.. 
What kind of test they will face next..?

If you don't yet read the previous episode, please click the link given : 

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