Zico's Pages

Monday, 30 October 2017

The Curse of Nyx Ep 1: Pertandingan Insan Terpilih

Buku 1: Penyerang Nazgul
Chapter 1: Perintah Phoenix
Episode 1: Pertandingan Insan Terpilih

Tahun X377.
Tengah hari.
Terik. Matahari seakan berada sejengkal dikepala. Peluh mengalir pantas. Satu susuk tubuh telah berjaya meloloskan diri dari jaringan pertahanan yang dibentuk daripada magik.
‘Tiada satupun yang dapat menghalang aku.. Magik adalah alat permainan aku..’ Lelaki itu ketawa. Fikirannya mengimbas ke saat dia mengenakan jampi ke atas kesemua hidupan yang berada berdekatan dengan Istana Jed.
‘Masanya telah tiba untuk benih-benih kegelapan lahir dan menguasai dunia..’ Lelaki itu lantas membentuk diagram magik. Jutaan perkataan kelihatan berterbangan di sekitar lelaki itu.

Satu fenomena aneh terjadi dimana gerhana matahari terbentuk. Matahari seakan ditelan oleh bulan. Bumi menjadi gelap gelita.
‘Apa..?’ Lelaki itu mematikan niatnya. Ternyata apa yang diimpikan olehnya itu adalah sesuatu yang sukar untuk dilakukan. Dia hanya mampu melaksanakan sebahagian dari urusannya itu.
‘Aku akan kembali semula ke sini untuk menamatkan segalanya..’ Lelaki itu lantas membuka pintu gerbang dihadapannya dengan baki kekuatan yang ada. Sebaik sahaja pintu gerbang yang dikenali sebagai Eclipse itu tertutup, suasana kembali seperti sediakala.

Tahun X775.
Tengah malam.
Misty Mountain.
Hutan disekitar Misty Mountain diselubungi kabus tebal. Suasana dingin turut dirasai oleh penghuni kawasan tersebut iaitu puak Orks Kelabu yang diperintah oleh seorang ahli magis bernama Phantom Lord. Phantom Lord berhasrat untuk memiliki binatang peliharaan iaitu seekor Cerberus.
“Aku harus memiliki Cerberus itu.. Oleh kerana Devil Fruit yang aku impikan itu masih belum ditemui.. Dan salah tekaan aku telah membuatkan aku memakan Devil Fruit yang lain..’ Fikir Phantom Lord sendirian.
‘Mujur ilham yang aku dapat baru-baru ini memberikan aku idea untuk menunaikan hasratku.. Cerberus itu bakal aku wujudkan dengan kedua tanganku sendiri..’ Phantom Lord ketawa. 

Puak Orks Kelabu telah berjaya menangkap tiga ekor binatang ajaib seperti yang dikehendaki oleh ketua mereka. Binatang-binatang tersebut ialah seekor anjing hitam yang dikenali sebagai Grim, seekor serigala jadian dan seekor musang merah yang dikenali sebagai Kitsune.
‘Lepaskan ketiga-tiga binatang tersebut.. Sudah tiba masanya untuk aku menunjukkan kehebatan aku..’ Ujar Phantom Lord.

Tengah Malam.
Frodo Baggins sedang bermain-main dengan binatang peliharaannya iaitu Bow-Truckle di dalam rumah hijau. Percikan bunga api yang membentuk seekor naga tiba-tiba muncul di sekitarnya. Satu susuk tubuh manusia yang sedikit tinggi lampai menjelma dihadapannya.
‘Gandalf the Grey.. Apa yang membawa kamu ke sini?’ Soal Frodo kepada kenalannya itu.
‘Kamu ingin bertemu dengan Bilbao Baggins..?’ Sambungnya lagi.
Gandalf menundukkan kepalanya sebaik sahaja terdengar akan nama Bilbao Baggins itu.
‘Di manakah dia?’ Soal Gandalf sambil melemparkan senyumannya ke arah Frodo.
‘Dia sedang berehat di dalam biliknya..’ Ujar Frodo. Gandalf meninggalkan Frodo sendirian disitu.
‘Boy.. Kita ada tetamu.. Mari..!’ Frodo mendapatkan Bow-Truckle miliknya itu dan segera bergerak ke satu arah di dalam rumah hijau itu.

Awal Pagi.
Satu perhimpunan diadakan di Mariejoa. Dua belas orang kesatria berkumpul di meja bulat bagi membahaskan berkenaan keributan yang berlaku di beberapa daerah. Beberapa nama telah disebut dalam perhimpunan itu seperti penjahat Phantom Lord si Necromancer, BlackBeard si lanun dan Kirabi si pemberontak. Salah seorang daripada dua belas kesatria itu ditugaskan untuk mengawasi pertandingan jaguh terpilih yang diadakan sepuluh tahun sekali.
'Selain dari mengawasi pertandingan tersebut.. Kamu perlu melaporkan akan segala hal yang berlaku di sana..' Arah salah seorang kesatria selaku ketua kesatria.
‘Satu tenaga magik luarbiasa telah dikesan sekitar Istana Jed di Fiore.. Eclipse telah dibuka..’ Layar magik yang terletak di tengah meja bulat itu lantas menunjukkan pintu gerbang yang bernama Eclipse itu.
‘Kamu harus menyiasat tentang perkara ini..’ Arah Ketua kesatria tersebut kepada seorang lagi kesatria yang berada tidak jauh darinya.

Tengah Malam.
‘Sungguh cepat masa berlalu..’ Ujar Bilbao Baggins.
‘Saya sudah tak terdaya untuk menyertainya..’ Sambungnya lagi. Bilbao melabuhkan punggungnya di atas kerusi di ruang makan. Gandalf hanya mengikutnya dari belakang.
‘Order of Phoenix memerlukan kamu..’ Gandalf akhirnya bersuara.
Frodo yang berada di ruang dapur seakan tertarik dengan perbualan yang didengarinya itu. Dia segera menuang air panas ke dalam teko yang berada dekat dengannya. Dia memasukkan beberapa kuntum bunga Camomile ke dalam teko berkenaan dan menutup tudungnya.
‘Pengembaraan saya sudah lama berakhir..’ Bilbao menjeling ke arah Frodo yang sedang bergerak ke arahnya.
‘Pengembaraan?’ Soal Frodo. Dia merenung ke wajah Bilbao.
‘Nah..’ Bilbao segera menyerahkan kad jemputan kepada Frodo. Kad itu ditatapnya berulang kali.
“Pertandingan Insan Terpilih?” Fikir Frodo.
‘Kamu ingin menyertainya..?’ Soal Gandalf. Suasana hening seketika. Frodo masih lagi menatap kad jemputan itu.

Misty Mountain.
Tengah Malam.
Phantom Lord segera mengaktifkan diagram magik. Dia ingin menjalankan ritual untuk menggabungkan ketiga-tiga binatang ajaib itu supaya Cerberus dapat dihasilkan. Puak Orks Kelabu segera membebaskan ketiga-tiga binatang tersebut dari kurungan. Anjing hitam itu segera melompat untuk melarikan diri. Beberapa orang Orks segera mengepung anjing hitam tersebut dan berharap binatang tersebut akan masuk ke dalam diagram yang diciptakan oleh ketua mereka itu. Melihat akan tindakan anjing hitam tersebut, musang merah dan serigala jadian putih itu juga cuba melarikan diri. Puak Orks berjaya menyekat dua binatang itu dari meloloskan diri.
‘Bulan akan menjadi saksi.. Cerberus yang bakal aku hasilkan ini akan menjadi Cerberus yang paling berkuasa..!’ Phantom Lord ketawa berdekah-dekah. Hasratnya bakal menjadi kenyataan.
Anjing hitam itu terus berusaha untuk melarikan diri namun berdepan dengan serigala jadian putih. Serigala jadian putih itu lantas mencakar salah satu kaki hadapan anjing hitam berkenaan. Musang merah lantas menghembuskan api ke arah serigala jadian putih itu. Serigala jadian lantas melompat dan menjauhkan diri dari musang merah itu. Musang merah itu pun menyalak dan menghembuskan api yang kuat ke arah puak Orks. Puak Orks lantas mengundurkan diri beberapa langkah ke belakang dengan serangan dari musang merah itu. Anjing hitam melompat dan berlari dengan segera. Beberapa orang Orks Kelabu cuba menangkapnya namun anjing hitam yang dikenali sebagai The Grim itu lantas memecut laju. Serigala jadian putih berjaya mencederakan beberapa orang Orks Kelabu.
‘Tangkap The Grim itu dengan kadar segera..!’ Ujar Phantom Lord. Dia sedikit kecewa dengan apa yang berlaku.
‘Mana musang merah itu..?’ Soalnya. Musang merah itu berjaya melepaskan diri dari kepungan Orks Kelabu.
‘Tuan.. Hanya serigala putih yang berjaya ditangkap..’ Ujar salah seorang Orks Kelabu.
‘Apa?’ Dapatkan Grim dan Kitsune itu atau nyawa kalian menjadi taruhan..’ Ujar Phantom Lord.

‘Apa yang berlaku?’ Soal Puteri Hisui.
‘Pintu gerbang Eclipse telah dibuka..’ Ujar salah seorang pengawal peribadi Puteri Hisui.
‘Dibuka..? Siapa yang membukanya..?’ Puteri Hisui tergamam.
“Hanya Celestial Mage yang mampu membuka kesemua kunci pada pintu gerbang tersebut..” Fikirnya.
‘Ianya dibuka dari dimensi sana.. Tapi hanya untuk beberapa saat..’ Ujar pengawal tersebut.
‘Beberapa saat..?’ Terkesima Puteri Hisui mendengarnya.
“Mana mungkin.. Siapa gerangannya..?” Fikirnya lagi.
‘Teruk.. Kita harus segera ke sana.. Beta tidak mahu ada sebarang entiti datang dari arah sana..’ Ujar Puteri Hisui.

Tengah Malam.
‘Bagaimana? Apa kata kamu..?’ Soal Gandalf.
‘Tak mengapalah.. Saya mahu berada di sini..’ Jawab Frodo.
‘Kenapa?’ Soal Bilbao seakan tidak percaya.
‘Saya mahu menjaga kamu..’ Ujar Frodo.
‘Saya tidak perlu jagaan kamu..’ Ujar Bilbao.
‘Apa kata hati kamu..?’ Gandalf menduga.
‘Saya sukakan cabaran.. Tapi adakah saya bersedia..?’ Soal Frodo.
‘Jika tidak mencuba.. Manakan kamu akan tahu..’ Jawab Gandalf. Dia tersenyum.
‘Mahukah kamu untuk menjadi apprentice saya..?’ Soal Gandalf.
‘Apprentice..?’ Frodo terdiam seketika.
‘Kamu akan mewakili saya sepertimana Bilbao dahulu..’ Ujar Gandalf. Frodo mengalihkan pandangannya ke arah Bilbao.
‘Pengembaraan saya sudah berakhir.. Tapi pengembaraan kamu baru bermula..’ Ujar Bilbao.
‘Baiklah..’ Frodo kelihatan yakin.
‘Berikan masa untuk saya bersiap..’ Pinta Frodo.

Misty Mountain.
Tengah Malam.
'Apa?' Phantom Lord menjadi berang dengan apa yang didengarinya. Anjing hitam yang dikenali sebagai Grim dan musang merah masih belum dijumpai. 
'Kalian menghampakan aku..' Bebola mata Phantom Lord berubah menjadi kemerahan. Phantom Lord lantas mengenakan jampi ke atas sembilan orang Orks Kelabu dihadapannya dengan kuasa necromancer yang baru dikuasainya. 
'Bangkitlah Nazgul.. Tiba masanya untuk kalian melaksanakan tugas kalian..!' Phantom Lord sebenarnya tidak faham akan apa yang dilakukannya itu. Ianya diluar kawalannya. Kedua tangannya bergetar. Tubuh badannya menggigil.
"Ini bukan kali pertama.. Apa sebenarnya yang berlaku..?" Phantom Lord segera kembali ke kerusi yang diperbuat dari batu dan tulang temulang manusia. 
Sembilan orang Nazgul itu lantas bergerak bagi melaksanakan misi Phantom Lord tersebut.

Tengah Malam.
'Saya sudah sedia..' Frodo melilit kemas tali leher yang dipakainya. Gandalf tersenyum kerana terlihat akan sesuatu yang terselit di celah tali leher tersebut. 
'Tapi.. Siapa yang akan menjaga kamu..?' Soal Frodo kepada Bilbao.
'Kamu jangan bimbang akan aku.. Jaga diri dan belajar dari pengembaraan ini ya..' Bilbao memeluk Frodo ke kemas.
'Ada sesuatu yang saya ingin bicarakan dengan kamu..' Bilbao menarik tangan Frodo. Mereka berjalan menuju ke kamar Bilbao. Gandalf hanya memerhati dengan ekor matanya.
'Simpan benda ini dengan elok.. Jangan beritahu sesiapa.. Ini rahsia saya dan kamu..' Bilbao menyerahkan sebentuk cincin kepada Frodo. Cincin tersebut telah dimasukkan ke dalam seutas rantai. 
'Jika ada sesuatu yang berbahaya.. Dan kamu tidak dapat mengelak.. Segera sarungkan cincin ini ke jari kamu..' Bisik Bilbao. Mereka berdua berjalan ke arah Gandalf yang masih menikmati teh Camomile yang dihidang oleh Frodo. 
'Sedap teh Camomile ni..' Puji Gandalf. 
'Frodo sememangnya seorang ahli botanist.. Dia gemar menghabiskan masanya di dalam rumah hijau..' Ujar Bilbao. 
'Patutlah..' Bebola mata Gandalf dapat melihat akan tiga benda yang di bawa oleh Frodo secara rahsia. Dia menguntumkan senyum.
'Kamu pegang saya kuat-kuat.. Ini bakal menjadi pengalaman magik kamu yang pertama..!' Ujar Gandalf sambil mengeluarkan tongkat saktinya. Dimensi seakan direnyuk sebaik sahaja Gandalf membacakan jampi teleportasi. Dalam sekelip mata mereka berada di suatu lokasi yang lain. 

Satu lokasi rahsia di Greenwood Forest.
Awal pagi.
'Selamat datang ke Pertandingan Insan Terpilih..' Aragorn mengalu-alukan kedatangan Gandalf dan Frodo. Legolas dan Gimly berada di belakang Aragorn. 
'Kami menunggu kedatangan kamu berdua.. Eh.. Di mana Bilbao..?' Soal Legolas. 
'Bilbao tidak dapat datang.. Dan kali ini saya dan Bilbao telah memilih Frodo sebagai apprentice kami..' Ujar Gandalf.

'Selalunya kamu tidak datang bersama seorang apprentice pun..' Tegur Gimly. Gandalf tersenyum. Fikirannya mengimbas ke 30 tahun yang lalu. Pertama kali dia menyertai Pertandingan Insan Terpilih dan Bilbao adalah apprenticenya. Selepas itu dia tidak pernah membawa seorang apprentice untuk mewakilinya.   

- Frodo Baggins
- Bilbao Baggins
- Gandalf The Grey
- The Grim
- Kitsune
- White Warewolf
- Phantom Lord
- Puteri Hisui
- Aragorn
- Gimly

Friday, 20 October 2017

The battle in Mirror World

New chapter was released..
There are many scene took places everywhere in this chapter..
The battle between Luffy & Katakuri start getting serious (Katakuri not just a normal DF user.. He also got Observation Haki.. Now Oda add one more which is Awaken Mochi DF.. This is insane.. But it's ok.. Because Luffy will learn something as the preparation for his awaken Rubber DF in future..)
Big Mom's craving symptom will drive her to finish Nuts Island (For me Oda want to kill time for Big Mom here at Nuts Island because if she arrived so soon at Chocolate Factory.. The plots will getting more serious.. She will not just disturbing the wedding cake preparation yet she will eat the whole Cacao Island..)
Germa 66 now starting to fight back since they were humiliated the whole time in WholeCake Island (We not seeing Jajji along with his children.. Where's he? Could he go somewhere and cry or regret on what happen before this..?)
As been predicted, Capone also heading to Cacao Island where his wife, Chiffon was..

Cacao Island will be the place where the end of WCI arc would be.. Done..
But the question is.. Is Big Mom still a YONKO (means that she is still alive) or someone will took her place like WhiteBeard in MarineFord arc..

Back to the topic..
Let us focus on the fight between Luffy and Katakuri..
Is someone will die there in Mirror World..?
Or some interesting plot will took place there when Luffy revealed what he got in his sleeve (maybe some flashback on how he get that power-up)..

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

WCI's characters that still don't show their true colors

Let us focus on characters in WCI arc that still don't show their true colors yet..
As we know that WCI arc will reach it climax soon..
And yet there are some characters that left without information on their strength or ability yet..
Or Oda just adding them so we can see that Big Mom got diversity in her army..
As Oda did mention that Big Mom want to create a place ideal for all races..

Let talk more on the WCI characters..
For me all the character that I listed here still not perform well or still not their true colors..

Monday, 16 October 2017

What would happen in Chocolatown?

Remember that the plot has changed its location to a new place called Chocolatown..
Big Mom & Charlotte Perospero will be there as the first son of Charlotte Rinrin might guide his mother there via wave surfing..
Uniquely why Oda change plot to Chocolatown is because the Minister of Chocolatown was Lola..
Plus Pudding take care of that town since Lola left..
Big Mom hates Lola because of what she done..
It means that Lola is expert of chocolate..? 
(We still don't know yet what Lola's capable in combatant.. 
Is that a clue Oda left to us to figure it out..?)
So we maybe got better clue on Pudding & Lola (in Pudding backstory, Lola was her best sister)..
If Pudding want to be free as Lola (Lola choose to run away from arranged marriage)..
Could it a hint that she could leave WCI with Strawhat Pirates..?
Leave that aside..

Luffy will be there at Chocolatown 
(We put our trust on him to somehow able to defeat Katakuri in Mirror World.. 
Sincerely I would think that he just need to drag time.. So that the battle field will be in Chocolatown.. I don't know why but I want Katakuri to face Sanji once again..)
According to Nami..
Half of Strawhat Pirates will heading for Chocolatown too..
As it will take them over 10 hours..
As the new day will set part..
A new dawn will comes..

It makes me think of what Pedro said before that explosion..
He's the captain of Nox Pirates mentioned that he prepared the night for a new dawn..
Actually he's talking about preparing the way for Luffy to become Pirates King as everybody in Zou (Mink plus Momonosuke, Kinemon, Kanjuro and Raizou) also talking about that..
They believed that Luffy will become the next Pirate King in future..

What about the wedding cake preparation..?
It takes 3 hours to bake that fluffy chiffon cake..
Plus adding chocolate on top and making it layer by layer so they can exactly made it like the one Luffy burst out from within (based on the design that Sanji sketched)..
Are the location will be Chocolatown (Cacao Island) or somewhere in the middle as Sanji mentioned they need to decorate it inside the ship..
Oda brilliantly playing with time (WCI arc is full of timing)..
But let us think that possibility the location is on Cacao Island (Chocolatown)..

Let talk more on possibilities that will happen in Chocolatown..

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Pokemon Aeon Episode 1

(Pokemon Aeon the series Remake)
- I done the remake for my own version of Pokemon Aeon with a touch on few thing especially characters.. Hope that you guys enjoy reading this.. ^^

Ep 1 | Edenstar City: Gate of Backpackers 
Ash arrived at Edenstar City by plane with Serena. Ash holds his Pikachu. He keeps thinking on about the flashback. Strange phenomenon appears in the sky before they reached Aeon Region. That phenomenon effected Pikachu’s electric ability. Ash saw something at the middle of that black cloud. Pikachu’s cheek filled with black electricity and it making Pikachu sick. They arrive at Edenstar City. Ash and Serena were rushing down to find PokeCentre. Ash Ketchum and Serena have been told to get iAeon Bracelet and iiZodiac Rune.

‘I need to go.. My aunt waiting for me..’ Serena smiled. ‘I got to practise a lot before enter PokeContest..’ Serena has to go to somewhere else. She inhaled the positive energy. There’s a car picked her up. She gets in that car and waves at Ash. Ash waves back. They promise to meet back Forge City. ‘We got our own little adventure.. Till we meet again..’ She smiled . Ash’s word burnt her fighting spirit.

Ash starts his journey in Aeon Region and meets Yoshua Farquhar(13) at iiiPokeDome. Yoshua win a battle and he sees Pikachu. ‘Can we battle each other?’ Yoshua asks Ash into battle with his companion 1Duckeble (Rock/Sound) with ability: Magnet Heart. Ash agreed. Duckeble used High Pitch. Pikachu was hit by that. Duckeble used High Pitch one more time. Pikachu used Quick Attack to avoid its opponent’s attack. Pikachu used Iron Tail. Duckeble used Harden. Pikachu’s attacks do not harm Duckeble’s solid rock body. Yoshua noticed something. Pikachu is not using any electric moves. Did Ash knew that electric move doesn’t affect Duckeble and don’t want to use it? Pikachu seems effected by black phenomenon during the flight. Pikachu can’t use any electric moves during the battle. Black electric sparks from it cheeks. Pikachu cried loudly. Ash and Yoshua stop the battle and rush to PokeDome to heal their Pokémon.

They meet Sarai Poldee (13) who was on errand. ‘I see.. Pikachu was in pain each time the black electricity sparks..’ He says that only Sol Laboratory got the best equipment to examine Pikachu’s condition. ‘Do you guys got Go Bracelet?’ Sarai asks them about Aeon Bracelet that was given to all trainers in Aeon Archipelago as its record personal data about that particular trainer. ‘This is mine.. The first prototype of Go Bracelet..’ He shows them his Aeon Bracelet. ‘Do you notices about those holes..?’ He tells them to find 4 items to complete that set. ‘Look.. I completed all of it.. I can help you guys to lock it permenantly..’ If they had found all of it, they can ask him to enhance that Aeon Bracelet.

They watched ivPokeTv where Prof. Pala Nivel will reveals the next gen starters (Baboohm, Sepyrow and Garrough). Prof. Pala been interviewed by Annahita. Prof. Pala shows the next generation starters. ‘I like that water pokemon.. How about you?’ Yoshua asked. ‘I like all..’ Ash replied. ‘I got to meet that Professor..’ Ash mentions that he’s exclusively been invited to Aeon Region by Prof. Pala. He got errand from Prof. Oak to meet Prof. Pala. ‘What? Exclusively invited..? Sarai was shocked to hear that. He gives them his card and asks them to meet him at that place. Sarai left with his companion 2Raskink (Poison/Dragon) with ability: Rough Skin.

The vPokeCapsule is a mechanical machine that been used to transfer item or Pokeball. The transfer session that been make by Prof. Pala has been hacked by Doug Zimmer in order to get all the starters for himself. He trades his Granbull, Octillery and Smeargle and received Breloom, Slaking and Loudred from that PokeCapsule. Doug work under Team Hex. He had been asked to get all the starters for his boss. Due to malfunction factor, the Next Gen Starters had been sent to other recipients. Prof. Pala sighs as he promises to counter that error in future.

Note:          (1) Duckeble (Duck+Pebble) - Mandarin Duckling Pokémon – Male Duckeble got dark brown feather on the head and wings while Female Duckeble got bright orange feather on the head and wings. It loves to sound all the time especially when got attack with water or near water. It’s afraid of water.

                   (2) Raskink (Dragon+Skink) – Dragon Skink Pokémon – The tiny dragon Pokémon in the dragon type family. It got thorny scales on its body and myth mentioned about Raskink could spit the blue blood that contain highly poisonous to scare enemy and also to weaken the prey. Male Raskink got lesser weight (lighter) than Female Raskink (fatter).

(i) Aeon Bracelet is a must for every trainer to have one. This device is invented by HEX Corp to identify trainers in Aeon Region. It locked personal information about the trainer who had it at his/her arm.

(ii) Zodiac Rune is a tablet that craved with Zodiac Sign. There are twelve Zodiac Sign given to all trainers according their Zodiac. But there is one more rune so called as Special Rune. It is the 13th Zodiac.

                   (iii) PokeDome is a place where Poke Centre and Poke Mart was set in a huge place. This place also holds a stage for trainer to duel. It also included kiosk that sold items, moves,, stones and clothes.

                   (iv) PokeTv is the popular channels that discussing about Pokémon and Trainers. They also got live information about Aeon Region too. Favourite TV Reporter are Annahita and Cloud Nimbus.

                   (v) PokeCapsule is a machine that can teleport poke ball. This machine will provide the safety route to transfer a Pokémon.

Pokemon Aeon Episode 40

Ep 40 : Four Season Tombs

Back in Sleeping Forest, Pasha knew something big gonna happen if he stick with those three. Ash and Yoshua got fired up to catch a pokemon for Pasha. Nadine asked Pasha about his first pokemon. Pasha mentioned that his father left him this one pokemon. This pokemon is Charrok. Charrok is the key left in finding his father. There’s an incident happen to his father and they never find him since that day. The only item left is the item that Charrok gave him on that particular day. It is known as (i)Broken Medalion.

Yoshua saw Dingoe and try to catch it. He sends Menava to use Quick Attack to that Dingoe. Dingoe evades it and give Heavy Punch at Menava. Menava was hit. Dingoe took that chance to flee. Yoshua felt mad about it. Ash put his focus on finding a pokemon. He doesn’t care about what happen to Yoshua. He accidently met Kateyes. Ash tries to catch it but that Kateyes run away. Ash follows that pokemon, Yoshua and the rest also running to follow Ash. 

They lost in that Sleeping Forest once again. Pasha looks around and then he told them about the strange sculptures somewhere near him. Ash, Yoshua and Nadine walk toward him. They mesmerized by that sculptures. There were 4 maidens facing away from the clock tower in different directions. Yoshua knew something about it. He opened his journals and flip few pages until he find the sketches of those 4 maiden. They were called as Season Maiden and this place is known as the Four Season Tomb.

Nadine walked toward one of the season maiden that known as Winter Maiden. She saw the hole inside that certain maiden. It crafted as the TearDrop pendant that they got in Fang Cave. She told Yoshua about it. Yoshua opened his sling bag and took his teardrop pendant and put in inside that Winter Maiden. The pendant glows in slightest second and then it broke into pieces. They felt that strange phenomenon in few second before they realized that they been watching by something near them.

Pasha asked Yoshua about that strange looking creature that was sitting on the head of Winter Maiden. PokeVice record it as 72Puscanis (Fighting/Fairy). Ash asked Pikachu to attack it with Thundershock. That Puscanis jumped high in the air before it launched attack called High Jump Kick. Pikachu was hit by it. Yoshua called his Menava to attack. Puscanis evades it and attack with (ii)Celestial Art. It used Celestial Art:Time Stopper. Menava freeze statically in the air. Puscanis launched High Jump Kick toward Menava and send it out from battle field. Pikachu attacks with Ionic Charge. Puscanis try to use Celestial Art : Fairy Burrow to escape from Pikachu’s attack. It is too late for Puscanis. It falls down on the ground.

Nadine gave Pasha her pokeball. She asked Pasha to capture it. Pasha threw the ball toward Puscanis to catch it. Puscanis get into that pokeball. Pasha gets that Puscanis.  He was so happy. He called Puscanis out. That Puscanis won’t obey Pasha as he doesn’t get any badge yet. Pikachu walked toward Puscanis and say something to it. Yoshua and Ash was very happy to full fill their wish to help Pasha getting his first pokemon. This is the first time Pasha threw pokeball and catches that Pokemon.  
Nadine says that they need to find a way to go out from this place before the day end.

Note:               (72) Puscanis (Puss+Canis) – Celestial Pokemon – Puscanis
(i)     Broken Medallion is the forge item that belongs to some are. This medallion is the key to the next great journey in Aeon Archipelago. 

(ii)    Celestial Art is the move that work as Metronome. It has atleast 10 different styles. Time Stopper and Fairy Burrow are the styles in Celestial Art. 

Puscanis become Pasha's companion..
What will happen next..?

If you guys not yet read the previous episode, please click the link below:

New Wedding Cake

Sanji, Pudding, Chiffon and 31 Chefs gathered in Chocolatown to make the new Wedding Cake..
This is interesting..
This chiffon cake with be bathed with chocolate and new ingredients along with Sanji's cooking secrets..
But could they make it in 3 hours time..?
Once again Oda used timing to make our adrenaline rushed in anticipation.. lol
The last time Oda using the time ticking thing is on Yonko Assassination Plan..
That plan ruined as Big Mom can't be head off by Capone and his temporary alliances with half of Strawhat and Caeser Clown..

How will Luffy escape from Mirror World?

How will luffy escape from that Mirror World if all the mirror in Thousand Sunny was broken into pieces..?

The question is how Luffy will escape from Mirror World..
The exact question is how will Luffy escape from Katakuri..
For me..
I think Oda is buying us time because he want to set a fight between Katakuri & Sanji..
Why would I thinking about this fight..?

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Katakuri vs Luffy: Why Katakuri is so strong now..?

As Luffy want to save his Nakama..
He turn the fight against Katakuri, one of Sweet Commander in Mirror World..
But why Katakuri seem so strong right now..?
And why he can stop Luffy's attack by copying Luffy's attacking style..?

Are we underrated on Katakuri since he fears as he saw something during that wedding..?
Or something else..?

There is one thing for sure that come to my mind about this..
Let me explain it to you guys..

Yonko that we all knew..

Oda mention to us that there are FOUR Yonko that rule the sea..
Those FOUR are the strongest Pirates that exist after Pirate King..
Becoming Pirate King is what most of the Yonko want to achieve in their life..

But right now..
Oda did mention to us about two out of FOUR Yonko to us..
Let put aside of BlackBeard..
Let us look on the FOUR Yonko mentioned earlier by Oda which are Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom and Shank..