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Friday 17 March 2017

Pokemon Aeon : Episode 32

Ep 32: PokeRanger McKay

Ash, Yoshua and Nadine lost their way one more time. The huge blizzard makes thing more complicated. The three of them now are facing even more danger because they are on their own. The three split due to the bad weather. The blizzard makes them separated. Nadine sits on the snow and cried for help. Ash continues his journey with his Dieselbex when he sees the light nearby. He arrived at Town Zero. Ash wants to find help from the local people. They say that only PokeRanger allowed patrolling outside in this bad weather. Poorly, that the last PokeRanger was going somewhere else in a mission. Old folks ask Ash to stay here at Town Zero. Tomorrow they will gather all citizens in search of those two children.

Yoshua and Panthoz walked into the thick blizzard. He just wants to find his friends. He met someone named McKay. He’s on the rescue mission. There’s a man named Hiker Riyo injured been carried by that (i)SlideBarrow pulled by Stoutland. Yoshua asks McKay to help him. He lost his two friends in this blizzard storm. Hiker Riyo asks McKay to help Yoshua. He will be fine. Plus his Stoutland will carry him back to Meringue City.

McKay leads the mission. He called upon his companion, Abomasnow. Abomasnow walks in front of them in that blizzard storm. It used its’ senses to walk in that huge thick snow. Somewhere in that giant fjord, Nadine was cold covered by snow. Humbolt, Gornamo and Wiguray tried to warm her up while Exogill rings the bell on it tail loud several times. Abomasnow sensed the bell coming from east side. It walked faster to lead the mission. Panthoz also follow behind Abomasnow.

They find Nadine and her pokemon. McKay asks Nadine about other friend. She said she was alone all the time. Yoshua want to continue finding Ash but McKay mentioned that they need to rest. This is already past midnight and the blizzard storm still raging. McKay set up a tent with his equipment. They need to stay close. 

The storm was vanished after a few hours. The brand new day comes. McKay and two young trainers walk past that white desert of snow to a place called Town Zero. Ash and other four guys prepared to leave in search of Ash’s friends. Ash was happy to see Yoshua and Nadine alive. He apologizes for what happen back there. Yoshua and Nadine say that the raging storm set them separate ways. Thanks to McKay for finding Yoshua and Nadine. Ian McKay greets Ash. He is the PokeRanger that responsible for the safety of people and pokemon in Irgiant Fjord.

Ian McKay asks Yoshua and Ash to fight with him. He want to stay healthy and fit so that he can save anyone in any obstacles or danger. He used Abomasnow and Heliolisk. Ash used Dieselbex and Yoshua used Mandarock. Dieselbex fight against Abomasnow while Mandarock fight against Heliolisk. Dieselbex used Meteor Impact. Abomasnow used Ice Punch as direct attack. Mandarock used Sonic Sound while Heliolisk used Thundershock.

Dieselbex continue attacking Abomasnow with Meteor Impact. Abomasnow knew that Dieselbex’s fire attack will make him lose. It used Snow Brick. Abomasnow was hit but it grabs one of Dieselbex’s behind leg and throws Dieselbex to the air. Then, Abomasnow smash it opponent to the ground using Body Slam. Dieselbex was down. Dieselbex now fully burned in its passion to win.  It attack again with the same technic but this time it unlock the Fiery Terrain: the new nature. Abomasnow’s ice attack becomes less harm because of that terrain. Dieselbex used Fiery Arrow to make Abomasnow whited out from that battle. Ash was shocked to see Dieselbex’s strength.

Yoshua focus on Heliolisk. He noticed that he got advantage by using Mandarock but Mandarock’s attack mostly using sound element. This could not help him to win this battle. He used Rare Candy on Mandarock because Heliolisk attack make Mandarock damage little by little. By level up Mandarock, Mandarock learn new move called Particle Wave. Heliolisk knew that that Particle Wave could harm it. It used Thunder Punch. It tries to hit Mandarock’s body by evading those dirt particles. Heliolisk also hit by those particles but it continues attacking its opponent with Thunder Punch. Mandarock recharges its Particle Wave so that it will unleash outside its normal perimeter. Big exploding sound heard in that area. Both Mandarock and Heliolisk were whited out from that fight.

Ian McKay smiled. He lost but he gets to dig information on those two young trainers. They are capable trainers that will be grant to continue their journey in Irgiant Islands. Without mere strength, they could not even survive later. Town Zero welcomed them three as great trainers. 

Note:               (i) SlideBarrow – Some kind of vehicle that needs animal or pokemon to pull it so that it can slide above the snow field. Irgiant Island used this kind of vehicle as transport due to the cold weather.

Blizzard in Irgiant Fjord is just normal..
But for those who never been here..
It would be abnormal..
Town Zero welcome them.. 
What will be the  next adventure for them..?

If you guys not yet read the previous episode, please click the link below:

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