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Thursday, 18 May 2017

Pokemon Aeon Episode 39

Ep 39: Alto Lake : Chalkagon

It’s a full moon. The moonlight that shines across Alto Lake makes that lake kinda like a giant mirror. Nadine spends the night with Malaya. Ash and Yoshua along with Pasha sat near to the lake. There’s something that coming threw from the ray that been reflected at Alto Lake. The unusual colour spectrum makes them want to know more. Yoshua puts his face under the water. He wants to dig out for answer. He told them that there’s something deep down. Ash dives in. Yoshua and Pasha follow him. Malaya and Nadine run near to that lake.

The water flows wild and tooks them to the underwater cave. Ash, Yoshua and Pasha surprised to see the wall of that underwater cave were full of written message. The messages were written from hundreds years ago. Pikachu sensed something and start to walk near that thing.  It is 69Chalkagon (Normal/Dragon). Chalkagon smelled something. It refreshed it mind. Chalkagon walks near Ash.  It’s magnificent to see that pinkish coloured chalks grew on its hard shell. Yoshua recorded it in his PokeVice. Chalkagon is very loyal pokemon. It only served one trainer for its life.

Chalkagon knew that Ash is not that person, the one who left it in this underwater cave for many years now. Ash wants to capture it but Chalkagon denied it.  It’s wierd that Chalkagon follow Ash but doesn’t want to be in his team. Ash and the rest swim back to the place where Nadine and Malaya were. Ash asked Malaya about this wierd situation. Malaya said that maybe Chalkagon want Ash to help it to find his long lost trainer. Ash sats near Chalkagon and rubs it hard shell. He told Chalkagon that he will find that trainer and asked him to take back Chalkagon. Chalkagon was happy to hear that. Rainbow chalks grew on it back to show that it was feeling happy.

James blew cannon to distract Ash and the rest while Jesse jumped and grab Chalkagon away. Ash and Yoshua want to save that Chalkagon but Jesse asked Yelloud to distract them with Perish Song. All of them burst in tears. Jesse got Chalkagon. She wants to make that Chalkagon her new pokemon. James confronts Malaya with Lukera. Malaya pushes her pendant that look like a small pokeball and asked her companion to help her. It is 70Rastegon (Grass/Rock). Malaya asked Rastegon to attack with Stealth Rock. Lukera was hit badly. Rastegon used Avalanche Stomp to blast them away from Alto Lake.

Malaya asks Nadine to follow her. They need to get Chalkagon back. Ash and Yoshua become angry because of what happen. Yoshua asked Menava to fly sky high to look for Chalkagon. Ash and Pikachu moved forward in order to stop Jesse. Malaya and Nadine find Jesse. She tried to capture Chalkagon with pokeballs. Jesse asked Yelloud to make Chalkagon’s confuse. Last resort, Jesse used HexNanoCollar to control Chalkagon because she don’t have enough time to capture it.

Jesse wants to fight Malaya and Nadine. She used Yelloud and Chalkagon while Malaya used Rastegon and Nadine used Humbolt. Humbolt fight against Yelloud while Rastegon fight against Chalkagon. Humbolt used Icicle Shock while Yelloud used Banshee Cry to distract Humbolt. Humbolt snapped out from confusion and used Icicle Shock again and again. The same thing happen, Humbolt snapped out from confusion. Then it derived Humbolt to evolve into 71Boltuin (Ice/Electric). 

Malaya asked Rastegon to used Stealth Rock. Chalkagon broke it with Chalk Missiles. Rastegon used avalanche Stomp. Chalkagon was hit but it used Dirt Smoke. Rastegon can’t hit Chalkagon. Then Chalkagon used Chalk Missiles to attack Rastegon. Rastegon was hit by it. Malaya asked her Rastegon to use Dig to make tunnels. It will launched attack through those tunnels. Chalkagon was hit but it fled from that area. Jesse wants to get that Chalkagon butYelloud was attacked with Ice Bullet and whited out.

Ash and Pikachu meets Chalkagon. Chalkagon attacked them. Ash wants to help Chalkagon by removing that HexNanoCollar. Chalkagon want to attack him. Ash doesn’t care about his safety and jumped and hug Chalkagon. Chalkagon smelled something and then it become calmer. Ash asked Pikachu to cut that HexNanoCollar with Iron Tail. Chalkagon thinks that Pikachu want to fight and used Chalk Missiles. Pikachu broke that attacks with Iron Tail. Ash asked Pikachu to continue using Iron Tail. It the only way to broke that HexNanoCollar. Chalkagon keep using Chalk Missiles on Pikachu. Pikachu’s quick act makes it got the chances to broke that HexNanoCollar. Chalkagon was free from Jesse’s control. Chalkagon get near Ash and rub its hard shell to that young trainer.

Pasha and Yoshua find them. Malaya and Nadine were also there. Ash promised that he will find Chalkagon‘s trainer. They back at Alto Lake. Malaya asked them to rest. She knew the location Ash and his friends want to go. Alto Mount is the place where they should be. The next badge is waiting for them.

Early in the morning, Pasha stands in front of Ash and Yoshua’s tent. He asked Malaya so that he can postpone his Intensive PokeCamp for the next time. He wants to follow them for a while. He knew that Ash, Yoshua and Nadine going to be someone special in the future. They agreed to let Pasha join them too but Pasha needs to get his pokemon back. Malaya mentioned that she would take good care of Pasha’s companion: Charrok. Ash and Yoshua promised to find one pokemon for Pasha. Nadine glads to give one of her pokeball in order to make that happen. 

Note:      (69) Chalkagon (Chalk+Dragon) – Chalk Pokemon – Chalkagon
                        (70) Rastegon (Grass+Stegosaurus) – Stegosaurus Pokemon – Rastegon
                        (71) Boltuin (Bolt+Penguin) – Penguin Pokemon – Boltuin evolved from Humbolt.

Pasha join in..
What will happen next..?

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